Worlds of Cityvision

World of Cityvision / Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles

Curators: Vanessa Todaro e Francesco Lipari
Project manager: Stephanie El Hourany,Boris prosperini, Sebastian Di Guardo
L.A. team: Giberto Zavaroni, Ken Hong, Tim Ottman
Rome team: Riccardo Mussati, Paolo Emilio Bellisario, Simone Ruggieri, Begüm Aydınoğlu, Golnaz Ebrahimi, Claudio granato, Enrico Pieraccioli
N.Y. Team: Ilja Burchard, Joshua Mackley
WuHo Gallery director: Ingalill Ritter
Woodbury Rome director: Paulette Singley
Music: Vincenzo Core
Text: Sebastian Di Guardo

Worlds of Cityvision is revealed for the first time in Los Angeles at the WUHO gallery from March 6th to 23 2014 displaying for the first time in one venue the whole work the Cityvision lab orchestrated over the last four years.

Describing the emotional effect which the “Worlds of Cityvision” exhibition (WUHO Gallery, 6518 Hollywood Boulevard, L.A. CA) provokes is not easy at all: it is about an unusual modality to live in an exposition; finding a suitable term is quite difficult.

By allowing me a digression, it may be said that it is about a space that is not so different than that of a Russian tale. The Russian tale generally introduces a space without a space and a time without a time just like in a Byzantine icon…:”At a certain moment, in a certain kingdom, that it is, then, the place where we live…eh, I was there…” ; and these last “clarifications” are humorous, it is evident that it is about the opposite… FULL DESCRIPTION 

/// Descrivere l’effetto emotivo che la mostra “Worlds of Cityvision” (WU_HO Gallery, 6518 Hollywood Boulevard L.A. CA) suscita, non è semplice: si tratta di una modalità inedita di vivere un’esposizione; trovare un termine di paragone risulta difficile.

Permettendomi una digressione, si può dire che si tratta di uno spazio non dissimile da quello di una fiaba russa. La fiaba russa comincia sempre introducendo uno spazio senza spazio e un tempo senza tempo come un’icona bizantina..: “in un certo tempo, in un certo reame, che poi è quello dove viviamo noi… eh, c’ero anch’io…”; e queste ultime “precisazioni” sono umoristiche, è ovvio che si tratta dell’opposto… FULL DESCRIPTION 


OFL studio web site

World of Cityvision / Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles
scheme by Francesco Lipari